Feb 19, 2025
Posted by: Troy Lish

This week's adjustments: 

RE31   Add 1 to hold at 32

RE32   Hold at 33

RE34   Hold at 1

*Just a reminder to submit a claim for not regulating the pools as called for and turn the declination into the BLET claims box in the depot. 

If there are claims generated for failure by CMS to regulate the pools per our request, (outside of the agreed upon mileage parameters, 3600-4200 miles) the responsible CMS Manager is Trent Hagelstein. His name should fill in the space in the submitted claim.


Turn Adjustments

To calculate weekly mileage totals, go to mileage inquiry through CMTS, get the totals from Monday-Sunday.

For Start Totals X 245 only include SA Trips (straight away) and Deadhead Combined at the bottom of the mileage inquiry for each pool for Engineer position only.

For Start Totals x 130 miles should only include the Deadhead Seperate totals at the bottom of the mileage inquiry for each pool. These totals should equal the total at the bottom left of the page.

Previous weeks miles should equal Last Weeks miles.

All of the above figures should be divided by Current Engineer turns in each pool. This figure is taken from the Blueprint option to see current turns.

Turns are adjusted as closely to 3600 miles as possible without going below that figure.